Monday, August 13, 2012

To All Members
Re: Next Reservation Sesshin on 8/16

Kojo sesshin by reservation is now available for certain categories of practitioners every month. 

Eligible members are:
1.     Those who are 70 years or older
2.     Those who are receiving the sesshin for the first through the tenth time. (Must be accompanied by guiding parent or lineage parent for the first three times)
3.     Parents with children (doesn't have to bring his/her children on the day to receive sesshin)
4.     Handicapped members (including those that accompany them)
5.     A2 members, living from 151 miles to 250 miles from a temple or training center. (A3 members, living over 250 miles from a temple or a training center, can already make reservation any time)
6.     Those who have missed sesshin more than one month
7.     Those who have missed sesshin more than six months (first through tenth time Kojo sesshin after resuming sesshin training) ** In order to qualify to resume receiving Kojo sesshin after not receiving sesshin for over 6 months, he/she must attend a service and receive a sermon by Shinnyo Parents or Shinnyo Keishu Sama first. Then on another service day, he/she must receive Kojo Sodan sesshin regarding "resuming sesshin training after not receiving sesshin for over 6 months".

On the day of training:
 Please come to the office counter and complete the sesshin registration. 
 After sesshin registration, you will be asked to offer the "middle" chanting (Shojin chanting) in the Mandala Room (or Lecture Room 2 if you are there with small children or if you are using a wheelchair) before receiving Kojo sesshin. For “middle” chanting, please refer to page 8 of your “Morning and Evening Chanting” book.
 After receiving Kojo sesshin, you are welcome to stay and ask questions about the sesshin.

Please note: 
- Only Kojo sesshin is available for this opportunity
- Those that accompany the above members may also receive Kojo sesshin
- Reservations can be made by calling Shinnyo-en USA Head Temple at 650-366-9966. Please be sure to make the reservation by 6pm of the day before.
- Reservations can be made from 10am, 11am, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, and 7pm on the hour (the last reservation of the day can be made for 7pm slot)
- Those receiving the sesshin for the first time and have not watched the sesshin video yet can watch the video on the day. Please inquire about it when making the reservation, and arrive at the temple 20 minutes earlier on the day
- The next opportunity for Kojo sesshin for certain categories by reservation is on August 16 (Thur)

 * * * 


1.     年長者(70歳以上)
2.     初信者の1~10回目まで(ただし1~3回目までは、導親または経親による同伴が必要となります)
3.     子連れの方(当日、お子さんを同伴されない場合にも接心にはお取り組みいただけます)
4.     身障者(同伴者も含む)
5.     精舎・布教所から151マイル~250マイルに居住のA2遠隔地の方(精舎・布教所より250マイルを超えるA3遠隔地の方に関しては、すでにご希望の日に接心のご予約を承っております)
6.     1ヶ月以上接心をいただけなかった方
7.     6ヶ月以上接心をいただけなかった方で、再び向上接心をいただくために、法要に参座しご親教またはご瑞教を一回拝聴され、その次の法要日に、接心が6ヶ月以上あいたことについての向上相談接心を一回いただかれた方(向上接心復帰後1~10回目まで)


- 予約向上接心でいただける接心は、向上接心のみとなります
- 上記の対象者に同伴される方も、当日向上接心をいただくことができます
- ご予約は前日の午後6時までに USA本部精舎(650-366-9966)までお電話下さい
- ご予約は、午前10時、11時、午後2時、3時、4時、5時、6事、7時の一時間ごと に承ります。(最後の予約時間枠は午後7時となります。)
- 初信一回目の接心を頂かれる方で、まだ「接心の心構え」のビデオを拝聴されていない方は、当日、ご覧いただけますので、ご予約の際に、その旨をお伝え下さい。また、当日は、ご予約の時刻より20分早めにご到着頂けます様、お願い致します
- 8月の予約向上接心は、8月16日(水) に行われます
